The TL;DR, Introducing A New Perspective

A bi-weekly roundup of refreshing outlooks on common problems
August 17 - August 30

Research-Driven Checklists of Perspective, On Sale Now

As I mentioned in the last TL;DR, I recently came off a multi-month series of interviews with small marketing agency professionals. I heard all about the problems these small businesses face, from Communication and Culture to Operations and Scaling.

TL;DR- the problems that small agencies face are not terribly unique.

That being said, the problems small agencies face are not simple, straightforward, or easy to identify.

What's even harder is that when you are in the thick of it, those problems seem more complex, impossible to navigate around, and come across as subconscious feelings rather than visible problems.

The first step to solving those problems: "I'd like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective."

I can suggest a good wine to go with that: the Small Agency Assessment.

This is a new service that Learn to Scale is offering, specifically and only for small marketing agencies. The Small Agency Assessment is designed to uncover root issues, prioritize which issues to tackle first, what tools/systems will solidify a foundation for scaling, and a roadmap to grow with confidence.

Or, in other words, "Perspective."

I'm celebrating this new launch AND the upcoming Startup Boston Week (where I also serve as COO) by discounting this service 10% until the end of September.

A TL;DR from the CRO

A poodle's point of view simplifies things: things are a stick or not a stick.

-Roman Noodles, Chief Ruff Officer

New Blog Post: Why I'm on a Mission to Crack the Code For Small Marketing Agencies

Get an overview of the research and key insights that helped shape the Small Agency Assessment.

Conference season is upon us.

Not only will I be at Startup Boston Week from September 9-13 (ps. it's a free 5-day hybrid conference), but also Hubspot's Inbound the following week.

I specifically bought new walking shoes for this month. Last year at SBW2023 I clocked 162K+ steps in that conference alone.

I'm guesstimating I'll be over 200K steps in two weeks this September.

If you're attending either of those two events, please give me a high five: I'll be the guy wearing the shamelessly branded Learn to Scale hat:

Yep, you can wear this hat too.

Step up to September,

Dan from Learn to Scale

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PS. In case you forgot the plot to Ratatouille, this'll bring it right back.

Dan Newman

Entrepreneur, Professional Learner, & Proud Failure. Writes about sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship from the eyes of a learning and development nerd. Lead teams, manage people, scale a business, and learn better through the biweekly irreverent newsletter, the TL;DR.

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