A bi-weekly roundup of putting hard-earned dollars to work November 2 - November 15 'Tis the Season for SpendingI love Black Friday. It's not just because I'm a business owner, but I consider myself a pretty penurious person and find it difficult to treat myself. It's a constant running joke in my household that I love massages, I can afford massages, but I don't get one unless I've "earned" it in some arcane way, which means I end up getting 1-2 massages a year. Replace "massage" in that previous sentence with There is one time a year that I finally purchase things I should have purchased months ago and that's Black Friday. The deluge of advertising, the promise of a deal, and the mindset that I shouldn't have to "make do" with old shoes or ripped rope toys breaks through that Wall of Thrift and I finally buy things. Perhaps you're like me: you're thrifty, you go without, you save, you make do. Or maybe you're not as extreme, but you're open to a deal. Or maybe you're not like me at all...what's that like? Do you just...buy things? Wow. Moving on... I've got a deal for you: If you or your organization purchases a Learn to Scale Small Agency Assessment before January 1st, those dollars will be applied to any standard training offerings in 2025.Deal hunters, here's the math: a Small Agency Assessment is $750. It's a fast deep dive on your agency's marketing, sales, and service to really identify root problems, give you some actionable suggestions, and help sculpt a path forward to greater profitability. If you purchase this before Jan 1 (even if we actually conduct the assessment in 2025), then you get a $750 discount on any of our training offerings anytime in 2025. Here's the current (and growing!) menu of standard training offerings:
We're really pushing the Assessment this Black Friday because in the learning world, a prescription for training without a diagnosis is malpractice. 110% of people who ask for a training on X really need a training on Y and the Assessment helps uncover the evidence to validate that...while also solving X along the way. Let the season of spending commence: treat yo'self. Get a new rope toy, a massage, and business clarity.
A TL;DR from the CROBlack Friday is the day I've been waiting for...new rope toys! -Roman Noodles, Chief Ruff Officer New Blog Post: The Ultimate Guide to The Lean Canvas for Small Marketing AgenciesEvery business, at some point early in its lifetime, needs to really nail down their business model. The Lean Canvas is a great framework for agencies and small businesses to align your team members, narrow your focus, simplify your decisions, and measure the right data in order to help you grow faster.
Last week I ran into a loyal TL;DR subscriber, Igor, and he specifically asked about my systems and workflows for getting work done. I said, "If you'd like, I can share a bunch in next week's newsletter?" Igor, this is for you:
Hope that's what you were looking for, Igor. Dan from Learn to Scale Opt-out from the newsletter | Unsubscribe from all emails | Update your Preferences | www.learntoscale.us, Boston, MA 02119 PS. While you are waiting for your Thanksgiving flight, consider: could we board better? |
Entrepreneur, Professional Learner, & Proud Failure. Writes about sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship from the eyes of a learning and development nerd. Lead teams, manage people, scale a business, and learn better through the biweekly irreverent newsletter, the TL;DR.
A bi-weekly roundup of cruciferous life lessons February 8 - February 21 Balance Your Plate With Entrepreneurial Antioxidants For better or worse, I'm a boundary man. I've done enough self-reflection (including using AI) to know that I feel the most comfortable when I know where boundaries lie, the freedom within them, and the consequences for stepping over them. Like many people, I enjoy control and dislike not having it. When I started my business, one of the first things I did was lay out...
A bi-weekly roundup of holy problems and divine solutions January 25 - February 7 The First Commandment: Thou Shalt Solve Sometimes I wonder if I should start a religion about solving problems. I would call it "Entrepreneurship" and our church would be our beds at 2am, praying to the almighty Cash Flow to save us from the sins of... ...ourselves. Time and time again, I talk to new business owners, agency leaders, and Japanese entrepreneurship students that have fallen in love with their own...
A bi-weekly roundup of ways to disagree with your colleagues, gracefully January 11 - January 24 Image courtesty BiteSize Learning Step Confidently Into Conflict I finished delivering two weeks of performance management training and the concept that grabbed my learners the most was the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model. It was 2/3rds of the way through the day, post-lunch, so it should have been the most sleepy topic...but everyone perked up and started asking really good questions. What's the...